You are here: About work areas > Editing a work area workflow

Editing a work area workflow

You edit a work area workflow to add or remove states and transitions and to change their properties.

To edit the workflow of a work area:

  1. View the workflow of the work area using one of the preceding procedures.
  2. Click the Edit button.
  3. To add or remove states or transitions, use the tools on the toolbar that are described in the following table.
Workflow editor toolbar buttons
Tool Description

Select: Use to select an existing state or transition to edit.

New intermediate state: Select this tool and click in an empty space in the workflow diagram to create a new intermediate workflow state.

New end state: Select this tool and click in an empty space in the workflow diagram to create a new end workflow state.

New transition: Select this tool, click the transition start state, and then click the transition end state.

Valid transition start and end states are indicated when the pointer looks like this . Invalid transition states are indicated when the pointer looks like this . If necessary, you can place intermediate vertices in the transition by clicking points in between the start and end states.

To move an existing transition label, click and drag the label to the desired location.

To insert a vertex in an existing transition, hover the pointer over the transition line at a point where you want to insert a vertex until the pointer becomes a four-sided arrow  and then click and drag the new vertex to the desired position.

To move an existing vertex, hover the pointer over the vertex until the pointer looks like this  and then click and drag the vertex to the desired position.

Properties: Shows the properties of the selected item for editing.

Delete: Deletes the selected item.

  1. To edit individual states, double-click the state to display its properties. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
  2. To edit individual transitions, double-click the transition to display its properties. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.

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Viewing a work area workflow

Editing a work area workflow state

Editing a work area workflow transition